concrete cutting, conrete sawing, core drilling

Core Drilling

One sees this in the straight lines and sharpness of moldings and in clear-cut carving. Concrete precast basement stairs ornament should show evidence of molding rather than sculptured quality.

Line has diminished in importance, surface and color have gained. Mechanically, as well as esthetically, the elaborate concrete forms of stone architecture, heavily projected and accurately finished, are contrary to the nature of concrete precast basement stairs and the methods used in its erection.

Since so much that has seemed positively essential to design, at least for all large problems where formal elaboration is called for, is denied the concrete precast basement stairs designer, he must evidently either veneer the structure with other materials in the same unrelated manner as is done with a steel frame, or must seek other sources of inspiration.

What are the difference between core drilling and concrete cutting?

A motive prolific in opportunities is offered in the use of faience and tile. Pattern is the natural form of enrichment for flat surface, and nothing is more consistently in harmony with the plastic, though durable, surface of concrete precast basement stairs than ceramic tile and faience. The tile may be modeled in low relief, or, again, may be mosaic inlays of colored marbles or terra-cottas in geometric patterns. The quality of the concrete precast basement stairs surface permits an expression of the hand-made rather than of the mechanically finished.

Color, of course, may be indulged in without stint. To be sure, it is rather fearful to think what may be in store for us in the way of chromatic outbursts should the speculative suburban builder turn his attention to this subject.

Concrete Cutting Concrete Cutting Concrete Cutting Concrete Cutting Concrete Cutting Concrete Cutting Concrete Cutting Concrete Cutting